celebration of the simple pleasures ✨

Heyyy lovess🎀, as a minimalist girl myself🤍, simplicity and intentionality are at the core of my daily routine. Today, I embraced a day dedicated to self-care, rest, and savoring the simple pleasure of delicious non-vegetarian dishes. 

My day began with a gentle awakening, greeted by the soft light filtering through my minimalist decor. With a focus on mindfulness, I started my morning with a brief meditation session, grounding myself in the present moment. A streamlined skincare routine followed, emphasizing quality over quantity, with each product carefully chosen to nourish my skin without cluttering my space. 

In keeping with my minimalist lifestyle, I believe in the importance of nourishing my body with wholesome, flavorful meals. For breakfast my mom prepared poori with chicken curry 🤤For lunch, my satisfying fish gravy and fish-fry, using fresh ingredients and minimal seasoning to let the natural flavors shine. Paired with steamed rice, it was a testament to the beauty of uncomplicated cuisine🍛. 

As the day unfolded, I allowed myself the luxury of rest and relaxation, sinking into the comfort of my minimalist-inspired sanctuary. A midday nap offered a welcome reprieve from the demands of the outside world, allowing me to recharge both physically and mentally. In the evening, I continued to prioritize self-care with a cozy evening in, indulging in the warmth of a homemade chicken stir-fry, rich with spices and served with a side of steamed vegetables. Each bite was a reminder that true abundance can be found in simplicity, and that the most satisfying meals are often the simplest ones.

As the day comes to a close, I am reminded of the beauty and tranquility that can be found in embracing a minimalist lifestyle. From the mindful moments of self-care to the joy of savoring a delicious meal, today was a celebration of the simple pleasures that enrich my life. As I drift off to sleep, I carry with me a sense of peace and contentment, grateful for the beauty of a day well-lived.
                    " I breathe out stress 
                        I breathe in peace 🤍"


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